Cody is an Air Force Retiree (2016). He served as an instructor for space operations. He also served as a physical trainer for the squadrons. After separating from service, he replaced the military pushups with Chaturangas and eventually became a yoga instructor. He is now a contractor for the military; and after work, he teaches vinyasa and yin yoga for the Air Force Academy.

He was drawn to yoga because of the power of breathwork and meditation, and also the security of community that we find among friends. After 200hr yoga teacher training, he continued on to 300hr with a therapeutic focus to apply more intentional instruction.

His favorite pose to recommend to clients is (Viparita Karani) legs-up-the-wall pose with hip opening variations, especially if they suffer from high blood pressure. He points out that it is accessible to most, can be held longer than most poses, and he loves to watch the practitioners experience complete ease and calmness in this safe space.

You can find Cody at the Air Force Academy Fitness Center. He also teaches seasonal Mandala Painting and Meditation classes for Yoga Studio Satya and Bliss Yoga Studio.